30 May 2010

We're awake.

I'm lying on a bed of clover
chewing tasty pink buds
when out of the blue (literally, cloudless was the sky)
your face appeared upside-down
laughing with a smile as you shook
my day dream awake.

You're lying on white hospital sheets
pulled tight to keep the lines off your back
as tubes and wires intake and exhaust
your body an engine in repair
I drove you into that tree
my nightmare awake.

We're lying on a bed for the first time
our unity a cleaving bond of love
based on the foundation Christ built
between humanity and God
intimacy manifest despite broken pasts
our marriage awake.

Colin and Co.

27 May 2010



All the blogs I read have recently posted apologies for the inconsistent posting of late. I will not do the same.

I am not sorry for posting only 4 times in the month of May. I said it would be daily, but I have spent little time on my computer since school ended, and I have been feeling less motivated to write. Is it because of the second-hand THC? Not sure. English has taken a hit, as usual, when I am separated from educated people and plopped into 10 hour days with drug addicts and high school drop-outs. Excuses are useless.

And I wouldn't have it any other way. Language can only evolve if there are large populations who care not about the rules.

And isn't poetry not caring about the rules? Or is it caring too much to obey them? "My words are not valuable enough to have the honour of being placed into grammatical structure." (Co. or Colin)

Here goes:

two punches on shoulder
love taps ? hatred
the smile gives away
"doing just what I wanted"
Thanks, pour me my apple juice,
Old man. Now,
bearded guy refuses handshake
"Lay Off the Bush!"

Ok, I know, old habits,
even my dad noticed them still
But I won't stop, can't, I am
with my position on Planet
Barbeque some hog
chill that beer so we
relax our senses, take hold of
us, oh Substance! We need you to
guide our destruction. destroy
ABS pipes cutting corners
get paid to much for doing it, fixing it

then we drown in sweat
not anymore soon it is
liquid sulfer Flaming


17 May 2010

Lawn Mower Blues

monday morning
I'm mowing. It's snowing.
White dandelion seeds flowing.
You're thinking about drinking,
and I'm faking while you're baking.
Pot smoking you're toking,
I'm loosing you're boozing.
We've got to start choosing
soothing words to heal these
breaking bones and aching hearts.
Stop frowning, we ain't drowning (yet)
Stop lying to yourself,
You're dying yourself.
While I'm living, he's crying;
While I'm giving, he's trying
to fix his monday morning.

Colin and Co.

08 May 2010

You strike a chord on my heartstrings
reverberates through shirt
valves open close fast
doc says I have high blood pressure
it's not salt it's music flowing
your voice press
words that make me smile or doubt
comfortable meaningless hugs
spoken in time
So I drum standing
for you take my seat and drive
the beat increases exponentially

until heart attack

Colin and Co.

02 May 2010

i'm trying to deal with the idea that
sex is just a casual thing
we can use and reuse like recyling
sex is just a causal thing
the consquences are out of sequence
sex is just a casual thing
repeating sounds like cheating
sex is just a sacred thing

01 May 2010

You Would

Would You?

would you step out of yourself and into another
's life, body, soul, future
would you take pleasure in knowing both good and
evil, take the fruit of the forbidden tree
would you allow your desires to control your
actions, pushing you past fantasy
would you risk emotional destruction and physical
shame between two people
would you turn your back on the God who made a
way that was right and good
would you be willing to deal with the consequence
child, guilt, innocence lost, hell gained

would you have sex with that woman walking down
the side of the road
would you " " that child of God, that soul-filled human
that one you've never met
you don't know her name
you don't know who she loves
you don't know anything but
her outside appearance at a glance
of 55 kilometers per hour

what the "would you" are you thinking?

would you stop writing and start talking, Colin.

...... and Co.