would you step out of yourself and into another
's life, body, soul, future
would you take pleasure in knowing both good and
evil, take the fruit of the forbidden tree
would you allow your desires to control your
actions, pushing you past fantasy
would you risk emotional destruction and physical
shame between two people
would you turn your back on the God who made a
way that was right and good
would you be willing to deal with the consequence
child, guilt, innocence lost, hell gained
would you have sex with that woman walking down
the side of the road
would you " " that child of God, that soul-filled human
that one you've never met
you don't know her name
you don't know who she loves
you don't know anything but
her outside appearance at a glance
of 55 kilometers per hour
what the "would you" are you thinking?
would you stop writing and start talking, Colin.
...... and Co.