A picture may be worth a thousand words,
But I don’t want to talk that long.
Take a good look around the world.
It is clear that something is wrong.
I can see it in nature,
I can see it in people.
I can see it in media,
I can see it right under our steeple.
You know what it is right? Oh, you idiot, can’t you see?
It is sin, death, damnation, straight from the serpent in the tree.
Tree? Yes, the tree! Of knowledge of Good and Evil.
The one that God warned could cause a great upheaval.
Why did He put it there, how could He dare?
How did that snake get in anyway, and why did he care?
Heck, we were mere man, just another animal, that’s all.
Wait, we were God’s image, yes! Then how could we fall?
Oh, right. I forgot about our poor start.
We ate the forbidden fruit of damnation.
We made a choice, then it all fell apart.
We are the ones still messing up Creation.
God gave us a choice, take it or leave it.
We took it, now here we are; wait, you sit!
I know you don’t like hearing this, it makes you feel sick.
But I feel sick too; I feel like a convict.
But it doesn’t end here,
God doesn’t burn us and cheer.
He loves us too much
To see us end in a rush.
So He sent his Son to crush the snake,
And save us from the eternal lake,
Of fire and sulfur and the terrible smell,
Of a nasty, awful, place called Hell.
Here’s the catch; Jesus died to save us all,
But it’s a choice; not something you can buy in the mall.
You have to trust him with all your mind, soul and heart,
Then you and God will never again be apart.
Colin and Co.