18 November 2010

Hello. You want to read.
Some wordy stuffing turkey.
Here is a boon for your brain
If you don't read this, insane!
You will be comforted one day
By a friend who wnet away.
I purposely do typos
like double you net.
How can I get



03 November 2010


I am proven wrong on a daily basis.

Yesterday I was wrong to overreact
to puddles on the bathroom floor
I knew it when I couldn't bring myself
to never flush the toilet like I threatened to.

Today I was wrong to begin a conversation
with negative comments on the smell of dishes
everyone has to eat and if anything my food
smells the worst out the other end.

Tomorrow I will trust in my instincts
pertaining to placing a heart to my heart
all my best efforts cannot keep this love alive
I am wrong to even call it love.

Colin and Co.

26 October 2010

At the Writer's Festival

the sadest old man painted a picture
of how he felt dying

I saw a river in the Canadian north
with rapids and calm stretches
completely surrounded by wilderness

while he painted he told me
he gave up on art when the cancer took
hold of his wife

he told me now of his aloneness.

yet somehow he was here, with a quivering voice
and a tear in his eye
delivering his message to untutored youth

when finished, I saw the darkness release him
and he smiled
sitting in his canoe without fear of the inevitable

Colin and Co.

15 October 2010

In Other Wards

there are things I want to tell you,
not exactly secrets
more like seeing the game from the other side of the rink
– i used to think they did this for the second period –
in other wards

what I'm going to tell you
won't make much sense
until you jump the boards
until you jump the fence
what I've got to say
may make you upset
until you see through me
until you choose to forget

Colin and Co.

12 October 2010


Am I responsible for you?
my brother's keeper,
my reader's teacher?

I'm not sure yet.

Here's a piece, take a bite and tell me what you think:

There are these words
about love and loss
with some chains and freedom thrown in.

I saw the chains as a result of stale love,
possibly a false love (lust?, mistrust? thrust?)
most likely an incomplete love.

So these words of loss led me to believe
that freedom was simply understood once
one separated from this incompletion.

But the 'teacher' told us these chains represented
the suppression of the middle class
and all that commie crap.

And freedom came (according to teach)
from a woman able to stand up for herself
and dare to challenge the satus quo.

So I ask again: am I responsible for you,
my reader, my brothers and sisters?
I'd say, I'm trying to say something.

But if you get it wrong I won't kill ya for it.

Colin Long Time No See Co.

11 September 2010

Symbolic Transit


waiting for the first
to make a move

to type the words
mouths can't speak

waiting for nuance
in expression, tone

to signal the light
make it yellow, red

waiting in silence
for the collision

to blow this candle
end the green light

waiting to move
beyond white lines

Coling anda Coke.

Symbols of our Transportation


intersecting roads
traffic stopped in all directions
all the lights are green
All I see is green
green light

No one moves

no pedestrians walk
no cars slowly rolling in anticipation
even on my bike, my breath is not held

Are we blind? can we not see the colour,
the position,
the space?

Motionless we lie

Colin and Co.

09 September 2010

I'm back?

it's funny how many faces
I recognize
yet I can't remember the sound
of any voices
maybe one day your eyes will find me
your mouth
make music I remember
we can become more than familiar

We could be related.

Some day I will see you all again
forget names
but remember that one voice
the familial present
blends into anonymous pasts

We could be family.

Colin and Co.

Sorry for the absence. Writing Hiatus. Do you remember my voice?
We're family.

07 August 2010

i won't tell you why i can't speak
a language pleasing your emotions
but i speak to the ground beneath your feet.

I tell how majestic a creature walks upon it
what imprint your shoe has left
not the colour of your voice, for
ground has not eyes or ears.

hear the sand flowing out the
desert of your mouth and it's blinding my eyes

arms swinging looking for something to grasp

feel the ground as I fall on the beneath your feet
sand fills my mouth and
I can't speak.

Coli nan dCo.

02 August 2010

sometimes I follow a narrow trail
into mud and trees and teeth and feet sinking
the more I try to release its grip on me
my weaknesses made plain to see

sometimes I am led down a wide road
into fields of sand and sun and wind cleansing
the less I try to escape this paradis
my source of strength shines clearly

Colin and Co.

15 July 2010


pulled a weed last week I did
grab it with my hand in glove
next week that weed I will pull
again roots I won't remove

saw a girl last week I see
peek though glasses on my face
next week I will look again
that girl becomes my disgrace

ate an apple yesterday
pluck it gently from the tree
oh those apples taste so sweet
I eat them for eternity

Colin and Co.

12 July 2010

The World Came Together at Fisher and Baseline

drum lessons, $20 per 1/2 hour
lessons include training in technique
four limb independance
and playing along to your favourite bands!

some lessons cost more than others.

some lessons humble more.

no student is greater than his teacher.

mix emerald steel and blonde beer
and you end up with a spanish dutch teaching
we'll call it "Nederig Esmeralda Lección Onbedoelde"
God was the teacher, and the price was
$896 per split second, or $0 per 116 minutes.

Either way, I learn alot.

Colin and Co.

04 July 2010

I have out grown
chasing fantastic love.
Hand me down some
real live hands to hold.

Colin and Co.

28 June 2010

grass grows

I mow it down

people come go

quick dead clippings

lie on the road brown

blown away forgotten

Colin and Co.

21 June 2010

The best car I ever drove was a VW GTI and the last time I kissed a girl was grade 8 and she dumped me three days later.

my dear jealousy,

How I revel in you today!
I succumb
my emotions drink your potions
ocean drown down town I found
you sitting down sipping beer.

Not so cheery, are you?

Through the haze of hate
Justificate agilitiy
numerate civility.

These words foaming in my mind
make me realize what I prize in this life:
mostly beautiful women and cars

Far beyond this stage I understand
that a man has a plan and it...

So can I choose to lose you?

Colin and Co.

15 June 2010

Church (2)

built a wall
to separate
tear it down
stop the hate

door swing wide
people inside
get out


more next time.

Colin and Co.

13 June 2010


I'm a brick
I'm a beam
a crucial piece

human shapes
form a house
shines divine


more next time.

Colin and Co.

30 May 2010

We're awake.

I'm lying on a bed of clover
chewing tasty pink buds
when out of the blue (literally, cloudless was the sky)
your face appeared upside-down
laughing with a smile as you shook
my day dream awake.

You're lying on white hospital sheets
pulled tight to keep the lines off your back
as tubes and wires intake and exhaust
your body an engine in repair
I drove you into that tree
my nightmare awake.

We're lying on a bed for the first time
our unity a cleaving bond of love
based on the foundation Christ built
between humanity and God
intimacy manifest despite broken pasts
our marriage awake.

Colin and Co.

27 May 2010



All the blogs I read have recently posted apologies for the inconsistent posting of late. I will not do the same.

I am not sorry for posting only 4 times in the month of May. I said it would be daily, but I have spent little time on my computer since school ended, and I have been feeling less motivated to write. Is it because of the second-hand THC? Not sure. English has taken a hit, as usual, when I am separated from educated people and plopped into 10 hour days with drug addicts and high school drop-outs. Excuses are useless.

And I wouldn't have it any other way. Language can only evolve if there are large populations who care not about the rules.

And isn't poetry not caring about the rules? Or is it caring too much to obey them? "My words are not valuable enough to have the honour of being placed into grammatical structure." (Co. or Colin)

Here goes:

two punches on shoulder
love taps ? hatred
the smile gives away
"doing just what I wanted"
Thanks, pour me my apple juice,
Old man. Now,
bearded guy refuses handshake
"Lay Off the Bush!"

Ok, I know, old habits,
even my dad noticed them still
But I won't stop, can't, I am
with my position on Planet
Barbeque some hog
chill that beer so we
relax our senses, take hold of
us, oh Substance! We need you to
guide our destruction. destroy
ABS pipes cutting corners
get paid to much for doing it, fixing it

then we drown in sweat
not anymore soon it is
liquid sulfer Flaming


17 May 2010

Lawn Mower Blues

monday morning
I'm mowing. It's snowing.
White dandelion seeds flowing.
You're thinking about drinking,
and I'm faking while you're baking.
Pot smoking you're toking,
I'm loosing you're boozing.
We've got to start choosing
soothing words to heal these
breaking bones and aching hearts.
Stop frowning, we ain't drowning (yet)
Stop lying to yourself,
You're dying yourself.
While I'm living, he's crying;
While I'm giving, he's trying
to fix his monday morning.

Colin and Co.

08 May 2010

You strike a chord on my heartstrings
reverberates through shirt
valves open close fast
doc says I have high blood pressure
it's not salt it's music flowing
your voice press
words that make me smile or doubt
comfortable meaningless hugs
spoken in time
So I drum standing
for you take my seat and drive
the beat increases exponentially

until heart attack

Colin and Co.

02 May 2010

i'm trying to deal with the idea that
sex is just a casual thing
we can use and reuse like recyling
sex is just a causal thing
the consquences are out of sequence
sex is just a casual thing
repeating sounds like cheating
sex is just a sacred thing

01 May 2010

You Would

Would You?

would you step out of yourself and into another
's life, body, soul, future
would you take pleasure in knowing both good and
evil, take the fruit of the forbidden tree
would you allow your desires to control your
actions, pushing you past fantasy
would you risk emotional destruction and physical
shame between two people
would you turn your back on the God who made a
way that was right and good
would you be willing to deal with the consequence
child, guilt, innocence lost, hell gained

would you have sex with that woman walking down
the side of the road
would you " " that child of God, that soul-filled human
that one you've never met
you don't know her name
you don't know who she loves
you don't know anything but
her outside appearance at a glance
of 55 kilometers per hour

what the "would you" are you thinking?

would you stop writing and start talking, Colin.

...... and Co.

27 April 2010

Slowly Falling

it's a dream and i'm
swimming towards
shoreline safety
swimming away
declinations rapid
not moving
and i sweat underwater
remembering treading
for an hour and a half
in a contest family reunion
so i rest in the moment of
push myself harder and call for help
let my body be taken by death currents
either, which?
i choose both yell for help while
my arms and legs stop moving
now everyone sees me drowning
but i'm too far from shore for rescue
watch me dissolve

Colin and Co.

26 April 2010


Let[s] cut some grass, shall we? we shall call ahead and order dine in to go.


by bye bey

Colin SUCKS Co.

19 April 2010

Going Somewhere Nice

imagine driving with the windows down
listening to exhaust leaks bounce off the curb
from under the car so the "bzzzz-grzzzz"
flicks on and off when passing driveways
and the air the passenger seat my palms
warm with the heat of summer approaching
we're going somewhere

close to home to change spots and I try not to freak
when I hear bob break and esmerelda buckle
so I laugh to keep the cool and encourage you
we'll be rolling soon as you get the feel for it
and I'm getting the feel for you too too too
not yet but soon soon soon

Colina n dCo.

17 April 2010

Tooth for Teeter-Totters

I apologize for the crappy poems of late.

I write them on the fly – as I hope you are all aware – and so they are often not good. I read them back usually once after typing them, and then again the next day. Sometimes there is a gem, but usually they suck.

I have been writing some prose lately. I think it is good. It is semi-autobiographical. I write short little chapters, never more than half a page, and never more than one a day, in an attempt to keep it fresh. I think it might be the start of a second book. Maybe when I am farther along, I'll put a couple chapters up here to get your feedback.

For today I will give it another try:

Forgive me, dentist, for I have sinned.
my floss has remained on the shelf
smelling like old candy stuck between my teeth
because I didn't use it to remove the old candy
you get the drift.
Now I have maintained a religious twice-daily
brushing schedule, but of course, that doesn't
take care of the candy between
And somehow my smoking brother
can get away with brushing twice weekly
and you let him off without ticket or warning
and even his wife barely raises a fuss.
Can these unjust hygenic procedures
continue without moral judgements
on my faith in science and medicine and laughing gas
those wisdom teeth can stay in, you say?
As some sociologist once said,
"all medical designations of deviance
are influenced significantly by the moral
order of society and thus cannot be considered
morally neutral."
I'd say,
Ph.Ds don't mean a pile of quarters when the tooth fairy comes for ya.

Colin and YOU Co.