27 February 2010
Heart Specialist
25 February 2010
24 February 2010
23 February 2010
Language is a Disease (only some Suffer)
22 February 2010
This poem is colourful on too many levels.
21 February 2010
15 February 2010
14 February 2010
Equations of Order
13 February 2010
the speed of the clock
Is constant.
Time races as friends laugh and play
Rainy days drag like
clogged arteries.
The clock speed is not
the speed of time.
the rhythm of the heart
Is not constant.
Nervous excitement builds up pressure
Cuddling with someone special
till two tickers synchronize.
The heart beat is
the beat of life.
Colin and Co.
12 February 2010
The Prodigal Son
Have you seen the poor man strive
Marching down Meadowlands Drive
Strength and will cannot survive?
Is this how we're meant to die
Cold, alone, unjustified
Empty hearts are lost in time?
Did you hear the gunshot ring
Silver bullet glistening
Open flesh bleeds suffering?
Can we turn this life around
Place our feet on solid ground
What was dead is safe and found?
Colin and Co.
11 February 2010
Come, O Lord!
10 February 2010
I need a new obsession...
09 February 2010
08 February 2010
Tomorrow it will not happen. I will intervene. I will stop it from happening again. I will put a stop to what happened yesterday. Tomorrow I will walk towards the parking lot. Tomorrow I will see the smiling girl. Tomorrow her smile will not fade. It will never fade because tomorrow I will stop it from happening. Tomorrow I will forget to pay attention to the weather. I will smell no sausages; I will hear no busses. He will come skipping along towards me, but tomorrow I will stop him. I will stop him from happening to her, the smiling girl. She does not deserve what happened yesterday. They do not deserve it. So I will stop it tomorrow. There will be no rollerblader tomorrow. Just a few bikers who will miss my encounter with the happening by two minutes. Tomorrow I will choose the exact time to intervene. I will step forward as his skipping will stop at the still smiling girl. Before their eyes can meet, before it can happen, I will make my move. Before he can touch her, I will touch him. Before he can hurt her, I will hurt him. Before he can wreck her, I will wreck him. I will grab his arm, he will start like a cat, like a cat who has just been found out. He will see the concern in my eyes, I will see through the veil in his to the danger under the surface. We will stare at the soul through the eyes of the other. We will see the tears in her eyes as she remembers yesterday. He will see the determination in my eyes as I remember today. I will see the the fear in his eyes tomorrow. Tomorrow this parade of chaos will end. Tomorrow what was wrong will be made right. Tomorrow will bring hope for new life. It will not happen tomorrow.
Colin and Co.
07 February 2010
Today I realize what happened. It should have never happened. I hope it never happens again. The aftermath is somewhat blurry, but I spent some time thinking about what happened. I understand that I must do something. But what? Today is after it happened. So how can I make a difference on the past? But I cannot remain silent. I have to approach the situation again. I have to try to stop what happened from happening again. What happened can happen no more. Not in broad daylight like it happened. Not at all. Not today and not tomorrow. Never again can I let this happen. Because I let it happen. I just have to be in the right place at the right time, like yesterday. Then I can stop it from happening. But why didn’t I do anything yesterday? What if I freeze again? This fear surrounds me. But it is legitimate. It took two and a half hours for the adrenaline to seep out of my veins after it happened. Today I must prepare myself for it happening again. Mentally, I am reseting my mind. I cannot approach what happened with my selfish personal application again. It is beyond me. I must understand that. And yet it is so in my control, my sphere of influence. It is my responsibility. It will not happen. So now I can sleep tonight. Sleep with the peace of it never happening again. Today is a new day. A day to realize the wrongs of yesterday and prepare to fix them tomorrow. And I am prepared. I have run the event over in my mind so many times. I am like an actor, memorizing his part in the play. Today I can breathe. Today I can move. Today I can look back and stop what happened yesterday from happening tomorrow. Today I figured out what happened. It did not happen today.
Colin and Co.
06 February 2010
Yesterday it happened. I was walking to the parking lot when, right before my eyes, it happened. I saw the girl and her smiling eyes. She smiled right until it happened. In fact, I couldn’t see any reason for the smile to fade. But that was before it happened. The sun was high and everyone was shaking off their winter clothes. With a skip in his step, I saw him pace towards me. I didn’t see it coming, but it came. It was a slow motion kind of video in my mind. But it was as plain as day. Then the guy on his roller blades blew by, just missing when it happened. What a day he would’ve had! The roar of the bus bellowed in the distance. They seem to invade every situation. Like this one. But that roar faded to a hum when it happened. All my senses were heightened. I felt as if I could taste a barbeque that was roasting sausages on the other side of the river. I could swear I read the button on his backpack as he turned when it happened. But I forgot what it said because it happened. Life went to slow motion when it happened. I felt as if this was the climax, the apex, the meeting of every circumstance and situation that I had ever been through in my life. It all came together when it happened. There she was, smiling; there he was, skipping towards her; there I was, watching it happen. The bus was humming away, almost inaudible in my ears. My stomach stopped growling, forgetting the sausages. I read his button as he turned. The girl stopped smiling. Time stood almost still. It happened in slow motion. They turned and faced each other. Aware of what was about to happen, I tried to swallow but my throat was too dry. Then it happened. It happened yesterday.
Colin and Co.
05 February 2010
Fire the Canons!
04 February 2010
A series of paragraphs in a story that I have yet to title.
03 February 2010
02 February 2010
Oh, have I got a treat for you!
A picture may be worth a thousand words,
But I don’t want to talk that long.
Take a good look around the world.
It is clear that something is wrong.
I can see it in nature,
I can see it in people.
I can see it in media,
I can see it right under our steeple.
You know what it is right? Oh, you idiot, can’t you see?
It is sin, death, damnation, straight from the serpent in the tree.
Tree? Yes, the tree! Of knowledge of Good and Evil.
The one that God warned could cause a great upheaval.
Why did He put it there, how could He dare?
How did that snake get in anyway, and why did he care?
Heck, we were mere man, just another animal, that’s all.
Wait, we were God’s image, yes! Then how could we fall?
Oh, right. I forgot about our poor start.
We ate the forbidden fruit of damnation.
We made a choice, then it all fell apart.
We are the ones still messing up Creation.
God gave us a choice, take it or leave it.
We took it, now here we are; wait, you sit!
I know you don’t like hearing this, it makes you feel sick.
But I feel sick too; I feel like a convict.
But it doesn’t end here,
God doesn’t burn us and cheer.
He loves us too much
To see us end in a rush.
So He sent his Son to crush the snake,
And save us from the eternal lake,
Of fire and sulfur and the terrible smell,
Of a nasty, awful, place called Hell.
Here’s the catch; Jesus died to save us all,
But it’s a choice; not something you can buy in the mall.
You have to trust him with all your mind, soul and heart,
Then you and God will never again be apart.
Colin and Co.