30 March 2010

Traan Trein

It begins to rain
as I wander down paths
droplets fall faster towards
my face
I soak it in sweat salty tears
Ik was
en dwaas
voor jou
So I allow water to wet me
set me
in my way towards the sun
This dam need no longer
hold back my sorrow

Colin and Co.

28 March 2010

Stop being so Sentimental

I'm always taking things too f a r
close to home.
(It's where my heart is)

Like the time I wanted a drumset
soooo bad!
I gathered water jugs, pan lids,
buckets, empty pop cans,
and a hockey equipment rack
and played it for months before
Christmas and my parents clued in.

A few years later, I was so excited
to get new rims for Alexis,
they were 1979 BMW 320i gold basketweaves!
So of course I was in such a rush to
bolt them on, I didn't tighten the left rear
enough and it broke loose just meters down
the road and here we go tow truck again!

Recently I went hunting, pulled out the ol'
Remington .700, rode out to the fields,
found this beautiful buck, a real keeper
once in a lifetime, so I waited and waited
for the perfect shot. Waited too long.
Some other guy walks in with a shotgun,
So of course he gets her, but what a dirty shot.

And today I sit here with my new drumset,
with a car on all four wheels. With
plenty of deer I could scope out,
But all I want is my
pots and pans my
three wheeled 323 my

Colin and Co.

26 March 2010

we can't keep living this way
walking all over those weak
worn out gum drops below us
wearing the world on our feet
while the adicts steal purses
work the street for needles
wipe a swab over their forarms
wondering when the next cop
whacks them over the head
when we stand aside approving
wishful thinking we may as well
wallow in the puddles of blood
washed out of prisons filled
with our neighbours our friends
who we should have loved but
we turned our backs while they
wandered in alleys afraid to sleep
waking in puddles of urine and shit
what the hell happened
where did we go

Colin and Co.

24 March 2010

Don't Ask

a dog is flying a kite
it wears a poncho
a runt
wait a sec!
the kite is flying itself
it has wings
a boy?
with wings!
naked except high heels
holding a string
tied to dog's neck
he wears a top hat
on a fat head
turned right
wait a sec!
the dog is a machine
with a motor
and gears
a robot?
wearing a poncho
with a string around
his neck choking him
the wings flap lifting the
robotic dog off the ground
severing his mechanical head

Colin and Co.

23 March 2010

For Your Information

Hello Readers (aka "Co.")

This blog has turned into an every-other day blog instead of a daily blog as it should be. Sorry about that. I've been busy writing essays. I will try to find time to write here as much as possible, but it may stay an every-other day blog for the next few weeks.

On another note, my book is still for sale. If you don't like the poems I write here, keep in mind I write them all on the spot (unless otherwise noted) and therefore they do not get the chance to go through the rigorous editing/revision stages that my writing normally undergoes. The poems in my book, on the other hand, all have been planted, pruned, and hand picked for print. I would not sell poems that I did not think were the best I could offer at the time. If you buy my book and disagree, thank-you, that means I can get better!

"Miserable Comforters" costs $5. I am only printing 50 copies, so if you would like one, let me know. If you are far away from me, fear not, I have already sent two copies by mail over 500kms.

OK. Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment once and a while on a poem that stands out, and tell me why. These saplings may one day grow into a large forest with your help.

Colin and Co.

22 March 2010

Wide Awake

it's a picture sliding off the wall
water running down pipes
missing that card on the river

it's the hole in both socks
last song and I'm wide awake
dirty spoons in the drawer

it's when she calls your bluff
the wheel flys off your car
we lose ourselves to another

Colin and Co.

20 March 2010

what we won

when i retreat into my mind
and see the world as it is
and feel the breeze in my lungs
and taste the fruit of denial
and smell the engine exhaust
and hear the soft love songs
i comprehend my mind is not

Colin and Co.

18 March 2010

bellow bus blow dust
squint behind specks
sidewalk bell ringing
stop walker swinging
round at the sound
let me pass leftside
riding on my five gear
hear click click shift
down for the uphill
back sweat shirt wet
not work just chill
my way into spring

Colin and Co.

16 March 2010

Spatial Photography

space defines us
walls keep me in
you out
I look thru glass
at freedom

ceiling music is entrancing
until I realize it's you
dancing above me

damn this frame
cutting crap out of the picture
I want to see life
in plain

me close
you in
this space
the freedom
of fields

we can dance on hell's ceiling
a picture too wide for any lense

Colin and Co.

14 March 2010

we try so hard to get away
we forget this place
we plan our lives so far ahead
we forget present
we desire the better life
we forget grace

all we have is
where we are is
who we're with is

stop believing you have everything
stop believing you have nothing

you have both
you have niether

I am alive
I am dead

I am free
I am slave

I am good
I am bad

He is good

He set me free

He died for me

Apart from Him I cannot live.

Colin and Co.

13 March 2010

You just won the lottery, welcome to your slavery.

I'm in love with open windows
I'm in love with Breton crackers
I'm in love with orange fish
I'm in love with crisp lager
I'm in love with mild understeer
I'm in love with worn clothes
I'm in love with ace eight
I'm in love with Arcade Fire
I'm in love with empty pens
I'm in Love with no one (cares)

Colin and Co.

11 March 2010

Singha Reunion

mini rivers run off the snow banks
basking in the warm sunlight
fade out

child in a highchair cornrolls in her hair
spoonfed thai food by francophone mum
grow up

an unusual combination of three guys
take old gay jokes too far again
move on

this is spring
young lives sprout
while the old ones watch
soft eyes longing
for warmth

Colin and Co.

10 March 2010

Hang Time

the universe resting on a spec of salt
lodged in a cut on the roof of my mouth
making music fade linearly outwards
till teeth wiggle loose
and tongue is a flame

all matter stands on one foot
teetering in mid fall
is this all that matters?

distinct notes ring like bands
of precipitation across radar
sense the storm in temples

the world falls fast
hang time lasts forever
time lasts

Colin and Co.

09 March 2010

smooth wail flood
my ears again

high pitch whisper
hidden under

soft scream sink
city burial

wet tears sing
the sun set

secret song drown
single days

sweet sound wash
solitary being

Colin and Co.

08 March 2010

Cess Pool

Sorry for missing 2 days. You will get over it.

oh success
pool cue stick
stale smoke
seven down
stale beer
eight to go
stale mate

with a plop
to the ocean floor

i told you
better to tie
the anvil
round yo neck

do it yoself next time.

than mess
with young
blood like

Colin and Co.

05 March 2010

Lane Ends 50m

Red Light. Right Lane.

BSAR facing east @ Mt. Pleasant.

Lane ends fifty meters after intersetion

Two cops sit end on end next to me

Left Lane. Long Light.

Waiting... watching the other lights. Green.

Decision: beat them to the front.

Beat them to the left!

Pedestrian warning lights flash

Mt. Pleasant is about to turn red

Yellow first. Clutch disengaged

Right hand in first. Left on wheel

Right foot rests on the throttle


'one onethousand, two'





Shift! (signal left lane change)


(check mirror-they're way back)

move to left lane as fifty meters runs out

seventy kmph exactly

Shift to fourth gear.


They follow closely till

the right lane reappears @ Erie ave

I move over, they pass.

One hits the curb in the middle

@ the bends before Colbourne

I chuckle and return


to home base.

Colin and Co.

04 March 2010


one fluid motion:
door snaps open
pizza bag enters first
drops to the passenger seat
as my bum simulataneously
slides into the driver's
left foot disengages clutch
left hand flips power switch
right hand releases from
pizza bag handle, presses shiny
button to the right of steering column
she lives.

Alexis lives
for me and I for her.
I hold her in my palms
feel the rhythm of her
four cylinder heart
pulsing faster and louder
as I fuel her appetite
as she breathes oxygen
we live.

We race
against the time
for the heat of the pizza
escapes fast
We race
against anyone who will
join our mad parade
of burnouts
redline shifts
weaving traffic
like a straw
we time lights
memorize exactly when they change
so we don't have to look at them
we focus on the gaps
left by lazy drivers
who have no sense of the
conservation of motion or
the speed of other drivers.

Alexis and I
have this down to a

Colin and Co.

03 March 2010

Pie Preparation

Leaning against the wall
in the threshold between
the customers zone and
the employees only
I observe:
the dance of the manager
with aggresive thrusts
leads the kitchen staff
in violent tango
Such transition
(one has ever seen!)
into a smooth swing
towards the ringing telephone
(this in full view of customers)
and the dance turns oral
you swear any ears would melt
at the sound of such calculated words
the deed done, orders in!
The little reciept printer squeals
underpaid chef rips off another
begining. This one a
'Large Hand-Tossed Canadian'
With the precision only available
to the one who has performed
this ritual a myriad of times
he throws the dough
spreads the sauce
with uniformity
places pepperoni
mixes the mushrooms
bacon and cheese
together before
tossing them gently
evenly covering the pie
leaving exactly one inch of crust.
Into the oven for 7 minutes, 40 seconds.
After baking, cutting into 12 slices
and boxing, the perfect pie is ready to go!

Leaning against the wall
in the threshold, I hear my name
followed by this:
"62 Lansdowne
Mr. Wilcox"

Here we go!

Colin and Co.

02 March 2010

Answering the Call

*fyi: I am going to try to write a poem on the spot about pizza delivery for the next 5 days. This was inspired by filling out a job application which asked, "what was your favourite job, and why?" It got me thinking... enjoy.*

Answering the Call

Cheap grey vinyl seats, left
warmed by my bum and right
by hot pizza bags, which
reek like greasy goodness
and make the fabric smell for days
even with windows rolled down.

In this young night, hungry stomachs
call 310-10-10 and make their demands.

The lazy ones who won't sacrifice their
teams to unobservance on the telly
make sure to indicate 'delivery'

And so begins the journey
pavement and potholes are the path
pizza and pop are the goods
people and pets are the goal

here we go!

Colin and Co.

Dinner for two

We need some flavour!
We need some spice!
We need to savour
this asian rice.

Don't crack egg shells
Garlic salad, my breath smells
Yellow yolk stains my teeth
Shriveled sausages, no beef?!

We need something tasty
We need something nice!
We need to eat hasty
this asian rice.

I've got sausages, thick round
all beef! Yellow corn kernels abound
Your breath will taste butter-sweet,
so why don't you take a seat, eat!

We've got some root beer
We've got some ice
We've got some good cheer!
with asian rice.

Colin and Co.