14 February 2010

Equations of Order

I went first.

We are supposed to be a team
working together towards a common goal
living a life void of lies
building a home to live in one day
sharing secrets and setting boundaries
taking steps in the right direction
comforting eachother through trials
running the race set before us
laughing at our weird habits
believing in eachother when we fail

a team that knows
this game doesn't end
on planet earth.

We are supposed to be a team.

But I went first:
jumped the gate,
ran the yellow,
butted in line,
ate before everyone sat down.


we fall.

I was disqualified = you had to run solo
I was t-boned = you were stuck in traffic
I was sent to the back = you faced humiliation
I choked and died = You ate by yourself

They say
'the first will be last'

I'm last, you're alone,
we're done = it's my fault

don't forgive me.

Colin and Co.