28 March 2010

Stop being so Sentimental

I'm always taking things too f a r
close to home.
(It's where my heart is)

Like the time I wanted a drumset
soooo bad!
I gathered water jugs, pan lids,
buckets, empty pop cans,
and a hockey equipment rack
and played it for months before
Christmas and my parents clued in.

A few years later, I was so excited
to get new rims for Alexis,
they were 1979 BMW 320i gold basketweaves!
So of course I was in such a rush to
bolt them on, I didn't tighten the left rear
enough and it broke loose just meters down
the road and here we go tow truck again!

Recently I went hunting, pulled out the ol'
Remington .700, rode out to the fields,
found this beautiful buck, a real keeper
once in a lifetime, so I waited and waited
for the perfect shot. Waited too long.
Some other guy walks in with a shotgun,
So of course he gets her, but what a dirty shot.

And today I sit here with my new drumset,
with a car on all four wheels. With
plenty of deer I could scope out,
But all I want is my
pots and pans my
three wheeled 323 my

Colin and Co.