26 October 2010

At the Writer's Festival

the sadest old man painted a picture
of how he felt dying

I saw a river in the Canadian north
with rapids and calm stretches
completely surrounded by wilderness

while he painted he told me
he gave up on art when the cancer took
hold of his wife

he told me now of his aloneness.

yet somehow he was here, with a quivering voice
and a tear in his eye
delivering his message to untutored youth

when finished, I saw the darkness release him
and he smiled
sitting in his canoe without fear of the inevitable

Colin and Co.

15 October 2010

In Other Wards

there are things I want to tell you,
not exactly secrets
more like seeing the game from the other side of the rink
– i used to think they did this for the second period –
in other wards

what I'm going to tell you
won't make much sense
until you jump the boards
until you jump the fence
what I've got to say
may make you upset
until you see through me
until you choose to forget

Colin and Co.

12 October 2010


Am I responsible for you?
my brother's keeper,
my reader's teacher?

I'm not sure yet.

Here's a piece, take a bite and tell me what you think:

There are these words
about love and loss
with some chains and freedom thrown in.

I saw the chains as a result of stale love,
possibly a false love (lust?, mistrust? thrust?)
most likely an incomplete love.

So these words of loss led me to believe
that freedom was simply understood once
one separated from this incompletion.

But the 'teacher' told us these chains represented
the suppression of the middle class
and all that commie crap.

And freedom came (according to teach)
from a woman able to stand up for herself
and dare to challenge the satus quo.

So I ask again: am I responsible for you,
my reader, my brothers and sisters?
I'd say, I'm trying to say something.

But if you get it wrong I won't kill ya for it.

Colin Long Time No See Co.