23 March 2010

For Your Information

Hello Readers (aka "Co.")

This blog has turned into an every-other day blog instead of a daily blog as it should be. Sorry about that. I've been busy writing essays. I will try to find time to write here as much as possible, but it may stay an every-other day blog for the next few weeks.

On another note, my book is still for sale. If you don't like the poems I write here, keep in mind I write them all on the spot (unless otherwise noted) and therefore they do not get the chance to go through the rigorous editing/revision stages that my writing normally undergoes. The poems in my book, on the other hand, all have been planted, pruned, and hand picked for print. I would not sell poems that I did not think were the best I could offer at the time. If you buy my book and disagree, thank-you, that means I can get better!

"Miserable Comforters" costs $5. I am only printing 50 copies, so if you would like one, let me know. If you are far away from me, fear not, I have already sent two copies by mail over 500kms.

OK. Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment once and a while on a poem that stands out, and tell me why. These saplings may one day grow into a large forest with your help.

Colin and Co.