03 February 2010


but for now the tree once stood
beside the shed it falls down
one day we will burn the wood
listen to the crackling sound
to keep this country home warm
up to the roof the best view
of sunrise and lightning storm
morning lawn covered in dew
soon to feeze with autumn chill
maple leaves will dye of thirst
heave the axe until the kill
dry wood is split with a burst
pile it high inside the shed
to burn inside the fireplace
when summer is gone and dead
before winter shows its face
but for now the tree once stood

Colin and Co.

1 comment:

  1. I find it interesting that you don't talk about your blog title. You make your blog meant for creative writing, which is an art, which requires interpretation. In the same way, as if it were an art, you treat your blog name as a piece of art, leaving it only to readers to interpret.

    Pretty alright poem - it rhymes (Y)

