09 April 2010

what type of person
falls in love with letters
words sentences typed?
a lack of emotion
of tonal clarity
unthought slips
of the tongue
although we compensate
with *elaborate@#$punctuation!!
or EXTREME capslock
and ~U A$$!1!1 lol xP (; ~
what meaning exists here?

All I want is to sit with someone
knowing that calm patterns
our breathing
brief eye smiles
tells us all we need to know
about eachother together.

Colin and Co.


  1. I really like your style of writing. It points out the obvious, but makes you think how wrong it is. And then it shows how right things could be with so little.

    I really wish there was a "like" button. because otherwise the only way I can say I like it is to write another similar paragraph as the last one I wrote.
